Very cool maps from a very "Cool" place.

We overlay maps from every resource we can get our hands on, review with locals, and hike these trails ourselves. This is a collaboration to support the trail towns of El Dorado, Placer and Nevada Counties.

A Story of Community & Collaboration

Cool Trail Maps is currently closed for business while the products are being transferred to another company in Auburn. Please contact us if you have any questions.

Cool Trail Maps was started over 20 years ago in Cool, California. Over the years the company has evolved with the community to map new areas in Placer, El Dordado and Nevada counties. 

Collaborations with Protect American River Canyons, American River Conservancy, local hikers, bikers and equestrians has allowed Cool Trail Maps to keep these maps up to date and offer more than just bandanna maps. You can find guide books written by those who have hiked these trails, rafted these waters and have decades of experience making the most of our precious recreation areas. 

Recently Cool Trail Maps collaborated with Morrie Ann's Illustrations to create a sticker series of the most cherished Auburn icons.

More than maps!

Shop the Auburn Sticker Series